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GTAP Resource #3590

"Fit2GTAP: Replacing country data in the GTAP data base"
by van Nieuwkoop, Renger

GTAP emphasizes that the GTAP data base is not a repository of Input-Output tables. The data used to construct the data base not only comes from regional IOTs but also from other sources like trade databases. Many IOTs do not have the same sectoral detail or are based on another year as the actual GTAP database.
For achieving overall regional consistency, the original data is usually further disaggregated using information from other regions, missing data is filled in and part of the data is replaced. In this process performed by GTAP it can happen that entries of the original IOT are replaced by more reliable data or data consistent with other information. If the original data is based on a prior year the data is scaled using macro figures. At the end of this process the whole data set is adjusted using an algorithm that ensures consistency of the whole data set.

The discrepancy between the original regional data and the final GTAP data can be a problem in regional policy analysis. Not only the reported figures like sectoral value added and intermediate demand might differ from the official figures but also the sector specific effects of the policy itself might give different results, because the level of taxes in the GTAP data base differ from the values of the original IOT. It can also happen that the researcher wants to use a more actual IOT than the one used in the GTAP data base.

This paper shows how to incorporate (new) regional information in the existing GTAP database using a program called Fit2GTAP. This can be especially useful, if one has to report figures that are completely consistent with the original data for the replaced regional GTAP data.

We like to stress that this program will hardly keep researchers from providing GTAP with new IOTs for their region. Researchers who will use the program have to prepare their original IOT in such a way that they will only be a small step away from the GTAP requirements for providing a regional IOT

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2011 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Venice, Italy
Date: 2011
Created: van Nieuwkoop, R. (4/15/2011)
Updated: van Nieuwkoop, R. (4/15/2011)
Visits: 1,170
- Software and modeling tools
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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