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GTAP Events: 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis

24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
"Global Food System: Opportunities and Challenges"
General Information
Dates: June 23-25, 2021
Location: Virtual Conference
Program Details: watch youtube videoConference Program and Session Recordings

Webpage2021 Conference Papers   ISSN 2160-2115 (online)

WebpageParticipant List

Conference Background

The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among economists conducting quantitative analysis of global economic issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on applied general equilibrium methods, data, and application. Related theoretical and applied work is also welcome.

A global network of individuals and institutions conducting economy-wide analysis of trade, resource, and environmental policy issues has emerged. Thousands of these researchers now use a common data base, supplied by the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP). The project is coordinated by the Center for Global Trade Analysis at Purdue University with the support of a consortium of national and international agencies. The GTAP Data Base is a key input into most of the contemporary applied general equilibrium (AGE) analysis of global economic issues. Participants are given the opportunity to present their work, interact with other professionals in the field, and learn about the most recent developments in global economic analysis.

The overall theme of the conference is "Global Food System: Opportunities and Challenges" with subthemes on:

  • Agricultural innovation and resource constraints
  • International trade and supply chain linkages
  • Inclusive economic growth
    • Climate change and environmental sustainability
    • Food-energy linkages
  • Food and agricultural policies
  • Policy and regulatory harmonization

Special Recognition

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University
  • Amanda M. Countryman - Colorado State University

Program Committee

  • Channing Arndt
  • Edward Balistreri
  • Eddy Bekkers
  • Antoine Bouët
  • Mary Burfisher
  • Rob Davies
  • Carmen Estrades
  • Angelo Gurgel
  • Thomas Hertel
  • Kenichi Kawasaki
  • Maryla Maliszewska
  • Simon Mevel
  • Brian O'Neill
  • William Powers
  • Natalie Soroka
  • Anna Strutt
  • Terrie Walmsley

Travel Funding Awards
Due to the conference being delivered virtually, travel funding awards for this conference were by recognition only. Congratulations to the following recipients!

Abstract Reviewers

Abro, Zewdu Ayalew Golub, Alla Oudendag, Diti
Aidi, Wafa Gretton, Paul Oyamada, Kazuhiko
Akgul, Zeynep Grunewald, Caroline Pant, Hom
Antimiani, Alessandro Gupta, Krisna Peng, Xiujian
Avetisyan, Misak Gurevich, Tamara Phillips, Willard
Awantang, Adeline Hagemejer, Jan Pratap, Devender
Bagci, Kenan Hailu, Yohannes Pycroft, Jonathan
Banse, Martin Henseler, Martin Rausch, Sebastian
Bartelings, Heleen Hernandez, Jorge Ray, Srabashi
Beach, Robert Higashi, Akiko Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo
Beaumont-Smith, Gabriella Ho, Mun Salvatici, Luca
Bellora, Cecilia Hochman, Gal Sartori, Martina
Berndt, Marvin Homma, Takashi Schiffmann, Florian
Bethmann, Erika Hussein, Zekarias Scott, Sarah
Bibas, Ruben Itakura, Ken Siddig, Khalid
Birur, Dileep Izquierdo, Fernando Siriwardana, Mahinda
Bohlmann, Jessika Jaswal, Isha Smeets Kristkova, Zuzana
Bolaky, Bineswaree Jensen, Hans Grinsted Standardi, Gabriele
Boysen, Ole Jiménez Giraldo, Dora Elena Suarez-Cuesta, David
Boysen-Urban, Kirsten Kabir, Kayenat Sun, Shanxia
Cai, Yiyong Karonga, Jane Taheripour, Farzad
Cao, Liangyue Konak, Ecem Tandon, Anjali
Caron, Justin Kravchenko, Alexey Tomberger, Patrick
Chalise, Sudarshan Krupin, Vitaliy Tran, Nhi
Chen, Y.-H. Henry Lanzi, Elisa Tsigas, Marinos
Chitiga, Margaret Lin, Shih-Mo Tsowou, Komi
Cisneros-Pineda, Alfredo Liu, Jing Turakulov, Valijon
Clora, Francesco Lu, Sheng Turdyeva, Natalia
Dao Ngoc, Tien Luckmann, Jonas Uzun, Yasin
Das, Gouranga Lysenko, Dmitry Vale, Vinicius
Decreux, Yvan Maisonnave, Helene Vanzetti, David
Dissanayake, Sumali Mataloni, Raymond Vogt, Achim
Dudu, Hasan Matsumoto, Ken'ichi Wang, Yue
Ekong, Olabisi Mclachlan Sayer, Conor Weitzel, Matthias
Elameer, Ahmed Menezes, Tais Wittwer, Glyn
Escobar, Andres Meng, Xue Yakut, Aykut Mert
Fan, Mingtai Milot, Catherine Yao, Guolin
Ferrari, Emanuele Mishili, Fulgence Yu, Liu
Ferreira-Filho, Joaquim Bento Molina, Marlon Yu, Wusheng
Fetzer, James Mosa, Abdulaziz Abdulsemed Yuan, Wen Jin
Feuerbacher, Arndt Mraz, Marian Zamani, Omid
Flaig, Dorothee Mukhopadhyay, Kakali Zanetti De Lima, Cicero
Fontagné, Lionel Ngavozafy, Antonia Zawalinska, Katarzyna
Freund, Florian Nitsch, Volker Zhao, Xin
Ghosh, Madanmohan Onyango, Christopher Hugh Ziesmer, Johannes
Gohin, Alex Osorio Rodarte, Israel

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Center for Global Trade Analysis
Department of Agricultural Economics
Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2056 USA

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