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I-O Table Submission

GTAP Data Bases: I-O Table Submission

I-O Table: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Submitted By: Ngeleza, Guyslain
Submitted On: 11/26/2007
Sector Total: 28
Implemented In: GTAP 0 Data Base Final Release 1 Release Candidate 1
Principal Contributor: Guyslain Ngeleza
Other Contributor(s):
Funded By:
Original Data Source: National Institution of Statistics of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Data Year: 1987
Data Units: millions zaire
Table Type: NOT Commodity by Commodity
Original Table Valued at: Basic
Agricultural Aggregations: Yes
Split Conflict: Yes
Table Improvements: The original table separates domestic from imports data and gives details on final demands for both. For a number of sectors, however, details on intermediate consumptions were missing and only the combined total for these sectors were available. In addition to the missing data, the extraction of coal, minerals, crude petroleum, and natural gas was reported as one sector. Putting extraction of energy with that of other minerals together made the Congo I-O table incompatible with the GTAP requirements. These two issues are addressed as follows: Intermediate demand: For both tables intermediate consumptions from sector 1 through 19 were missing in the original dataset. But having the total of the intermediate consumptions for all these 19 sectors, it was possible to reasonably approximate the intermediate consumptions for each of these sectors using data from the national account for the same year (1987). Of course this leaves room for improvement. Isolating extraction of energy sector: The original input-output isolates the sector of oil refinery from other sectors, but extraction of energy is reported together with other minerals making the table incompatible with the GTAP database. Here again we use a very simple approach to isolate the energy extraction sector. We used the weight of the extraction sector in the overall economy to determine both the production and consumption for that sector. In doing so we created two new sectors (the sector extraction of minerals and the sector of extraction of coal, crude petroleum, and natural gas) and removed the sector of extraction of coal, minerals, crude petroleum, and natural gas. This brought the number of sectors to 38.
Mapping File File Format codm.txt
Sector File File Format cods.txt
Documentation: Contributor Documentation

GTAP Africa Data Base Documentation Forthcoming


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