GTAP Events: 2002 Advisory Board Meeting
General Information
June 2-3, 2002
Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
Background Document
- Objectives, goals, and accomplishments
- Data Base developments
- Model developments
2002 Summary
- Recommendations
- Other significant points
- Priorities for Version 6
- Goals for the coming year
Agency Reports and Representatives
- Martina Brockmeier, Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)
- Philip Bagnoli, OECD Environment Directorate
- Mary Bohman, ERS/USDA
- Masakazu Watanuki (Robert Devlin), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- Soren Frandsen, Danish Research Institute of Food Economics (FOI)
- Mantaro Matsuya (Mitsuo Hosen), Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
- Sebastien Jean, Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Information Internationales (CEPII)
- Kenichi Kawasaki, Research Institute of Economy Trade and Industry (RIETI)
- Robert Koopman, US International Trade Commission
- Paul Tang (Arjan LeJour), Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB)
- Dominique van der Mensbrugghe (Will Martin), The World Bank
- Alan A. Powell, Monash University
- Channing Arndt (Sherman Robinson), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Hom Pant, ABARE
- Hans van Meijl (Frank van Tongeren), Agricultural Economics Research Institute - LEI
- Liwayway Adkins, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Philippa Dee, Productivity Commission
- Joseph Francois, Erasmus University
- Patrick Low, World Trade Organization (WTO)
- John Reilly, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
- Alessandro Turrini, Division for International Trade and Commerce (UNCTAD)
- As much as possible, we want to keep the Center out of the
business of basic data construction,
- We want to help contributors to contribute better tables,
- To this end, we should share programs, techniques, and ideas
with them (e.g., through a workshop on this topic),
- We should open up the reconciliation programs to them, so
contributors can better understand how the reconciliation is done, and
even make their own suggestions for improvement (and indeed contribute
code, if they care to);
- The data reconciliation is necessarily a central function,
and the way for researchers to get involved in it is by contributing to
our maintained code base. If contributors care to do their own
anticipatory reconciliation in preparing tables to submit to the
Center, that is perfectly fine, but this is just their working more
effectively within the old division of labor, not a new division of
labor; and it doesn't get the Center out of the reconciliation business.
(It might mean much smaller shocks to FIT for some variables in some
regions, but it doesn't get us out of maintaining and running FIT).
Goals for Next Year
Translating this board summary into concrete goals for the coming year, yields
the following list (please refer to the Final Summary document for more details):
- Improve communications with IO table contributors.
- Provide better feedback to contributors on adjustments to national
data bases.
- Develop a new set of income and price elasticities of demand for
use in GTAP based on international cross-section econometric analysis.
- Develop a new set of Armington elasticities estimated at the
disaggregated, GTAP merchandise commodity level.
- Encourage research aimed at model validation.
- Produce interim releases of version 5 incorporating the new CEECs,
Russia and the new IDE data bases for Southeast Asia.
- Obtain a detailed comparison of the WITS and MacMAPS data bases and
make a determination of which to use for tariffs, as well as how best to make
use of the MacMAPS data on anti-dumping duties in the version 6 data base.
- Improve the quality of the domestic data bases by improving the
treatment of dwellings and government services.
- Improve the value-added splits for developing countries by making
use of household survey data to split self-employed labor out of capital for
manufacturing and services sectors.
- Refine the treatment of domestic support for agriculture in the
context of the version 6 data base.
- Incorporate data on bilateral services trade into the GTAP 6 data
base following the approach outlined by McDougall.
- Hold short courses in the UK (Sheffield) and South America (likely
Buenos Aires to be sponsored by the IDB).
- Support the program committee of the 6th Annual Conference on
Global Economic Analysis.
Alan A. Powell Award
Each year we acknowledge the contributions of one of the GTAP Current Advisory Board Representatives with the
Alan A. Powell award. Alan Powell was the inspiration behind this project. He founded the IMPACT
Project in Australia-and directed it for more than two decades. The GTAP effort drew heavily on
the IMPACT philosophy.
We are pleased to announce that the 2002 Award Recipient is
Martina Brockmeier.
Professor Brockmeier was recognized for her long-term involvement with, support of, and
leadership for, the Global Trade Analysis Project. Martina has been involved with GTAP since
1994 when she spent her sabbatical at Purdue University. She co-organized the first EU Short
Course, which took place in Frankfurt, as well as organizing a follow-up castle conference in
When Martina joined the FAL as Director of the Institute for Markets and Policy, she brought
that Institute into the Consortium. Since that time, she has served on the GTAP Advisory Board,
where she has made many valuable contributions.
Congratulations, Martina!
Research Fellows
Each year, Members of the GTAP Consortium nominate new GTAP Research Fellows. This year's recipients are:
Jean-Marc Burniaux
For his role in advancing the quality of GTAP-based analysis of global climate change policy.
Elena Ianchovichina
For her role in the development and application of models for use by the GTAP community.
Hans Grinsted Jensen
For his role in the improvement of the GTAP Data Base for EU agriculture.
Last Modified: 3/2/2018 11:02:54 AM