GTAP Network: Member Display
Member Details
Created: 1/7/2011
Updated: 4/13/2020
Visits: 1,229
Valeria Costantini
Full Professor
Roma Tre University
Via Silvio D''Amico 77
ROMA, RM 00145
3316876902 (ph)
Valeria Costantini is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics, Roma Tre University (Italy). She is a founder and a member of the advisory board of SEEDS, the Italian interuniversity research centre on Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies. She is associate member at UNS-GREDEG, Groupe de Recherche en Droit, Economie et Gestion, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. Formerly she has been senior researcher at the Italian National Research Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (ENEA). She has been involved in several EU projects on energy markets and climate policy and she is part of the SEEDS group assisting the European Environmental Agency in designing a sustainable macroeconomic transition. She coordinates the research group assisting the European Commission DG-Trade in implementing the dynamic CGE energy-economy model for impact assessment of trade and climate policy linkages. Her main research interests cover climate change policy, geographical distribution of climate-related socio-economic impacts, green technologies evolution, public policy mix design.
Interest Areas
GTAP-Related Resources
- A dynamic CGE GTAP-type model to assess linkages between trade and climate
change policies by Costantini, Valeria, Ilaria Fusacchia, Elena Paglialunga and Luca Salvatici Publication: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2020 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Climate change policy, Trade and the environment - Climate change damage and negotiations by Antimiani, Alessandro, Valeria Costantini, Giorgia Sforna, Anil Markandya and Elena Paglialunga Publication: Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA Resource Type: 2016 Conference Paper Keywords: Baseline development, Dynamic modeling, Climate change policy, Economic development
Last Modified: 4/11/2020 2:48:42 PM