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Member Details
Alex Gohin

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 5/23/2023
Visits: 5,556
Dr. Alex Gohin
Director of research

Rue Adolphe Bobierre
CS 61103
Rennes 35011
33 2 23 48 54 06 (ph)
33 2 23 48 53 80 (fx)

My main field of research is the analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy in the context of World Trade Organisation negotiations. In that respect I develop my own models (either CGE or PE) and methodological contributions are first explained with the GTAP framework (using its GAMS version). These GTAP based contributions include (by chronological order):
- Modelling of marketing margins (presented at the 2001 GTAP conference and published in the Review of Development Economics, 2006)
- Specification of price and income elasticities (presented at the 2003 GTAP conference and published in Economic Modelling, 2005)
- Demonstration of the relevance of CGE modelling for sectoral analysis (published in Review of Agricultural Economics, 2006)
- Development of a path independent welfare decomposition (presented at the 2005 GTAP conference and published in the Economic Bulletin, 2006)
- Tariff line modelling of trade policy (presented at the 2006 GTAP conference).

I also present my own analysis during GTAP conferences:
- Modelling of the import demand functions for CAP protected products (1999 GTAP conference and published in Applied Economics, 2006)
- Modelling of internal support measures (2000 GTAP conference)
- Modelling of the 2003 CAP reform and capitalisation issues (2005 GTAP conference and published in the Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006).

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