- INNOVATIVE FINANCING, INCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL GROWTH AND STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION IN CAMEROON by Ndjidda, Ngoura, Eric Patrick Feubi Pamen and Jean-Marie Gankou Resource Type: Other CGE Application Keywords: Trade and the environment, Economic development, Other data bases and data issues, Africa (Central) - African Growth and Opportunity Act: Growth, competitive and diversification of Cameroon export by Besso, Christophe Raoul, Eric Patrick Feubi Pamen, Jean Aristide Biloa Essimi and Albert Ze Resource Type: Other CGE Application Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Preferential trading arrangements, Africa (Central), North America - EFFECT OF EXPECTED INCOME ON INDIVIDUAL MIGRATIONS DECISIONS AND LABOUR MARKET IN CAMEROON by Feubi Pamen, Eric Patrick Resource Type: Other CGE Application Keywords: Baseline development, Calibration and parameter estimation, Software and modeling tools, Labor marke... - Power Point Presentation of LAREM (Laboratory of Analysis and Research in Mathematical Economics) team by Feubi Pamen, Eric Patrick, CHRISTOPHE RAOUL BESSO, JEAN ARISTIDE BILOA ESSIMI and ALBERT ZE Publication: GTAP Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Baseline development, Calibration and parameter estimation, Dynamic modeling, Land use, Trade and th... - FLUX D’INVESTISSEMENTS DIRECTS ETRANGERS, ACCES A LA TERRE ET MARCHE FONCIER AU CAMEROUN, STIMULUS POUR LE COMMERCE INTRA-REGIONAL by Feubi Pamen, Eric Patrick, CHRISTOPHE RAOUL BESSO, JEAN ARISTIDE BILOA ESSIMI and ALBERT ZE Publication: Presented at the 17th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Dakar, Senegal Resource Type: 2014 Conference Paper Keywords: Baseline development, Calibration and parameter estimation, Software and modeling tools, Land use, E... - Emergence économique nationale, préalable ou résultante à l'émergence économique régionale. by Feubi Pamen, Eric Patrick Publication: African Integration and Development Review Resource Type: Other CGE Application Keywords: Economic crisis, Economic development, Economic growth, Foreign direct investment, Domestic policy a...