GTAP Network: Member Display
Member Details
Created: 1/11/2018
Updated: 1/11/2018
Visits: 1,075
Giampiero Genovese
Civil servant
European Commission - Joint Research Centre
EXPO Building 2/114
C/ Inca Garcilaso 3
Seville, Spain 41092
+34 95 44 87160 (ph)
Biography not provided.
Interest Areas
No interest areas have been specified.
GTAP-Related Resources
- Unemployment and Rural-Urban Migration in Ethiopia by Boulanger, Pierre, Hasan Dudu, Emanuele Ferrari, Kidanemariam Hailu, Alfredo Mainar, Mohammed Beshir Mohammed, Alekaw K Yeshineh and Giampiero Genovese Publication: Presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Cartagena, Colombia Resource Type: 2018 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Economic development, Labor market issues, Migration, Africa (East)
Last Modified: 4/11/2020 2:48:42 PM