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Member Details
Sawkut Rojid

Created: 10/16/2004
Updated: 1/12/2010
Visits: 2,826
Mr. Sawkut Rojid

World Bank
Middle Road
Plaine des Papayes nil
+ 230 759 63 48 (ph)

Sawkut Rojid is the in-country researcher for the yearly SADC Trade Review project funded by the Australian government and managed by TIPS South Africa. He is also a trainer at IDS, University of Sussex for the Training course on Economic Partnership Agreement. He has been involved in a number of consultancy projects. He was the lead consultant for the project “Surveying regional commodities associations in SADC and ESA” commissioned by the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Union. He was the lead consultant for the project “Women entrepreneurship skills in Mauritius” funded by OSSREA, Ethiopia. He was one of the consultants for the project “Knowledge and Innovation in Africa and Asia”, funded by the United Nations University. He was a consultant in the project “Developing a Roadmap for Exports of Services to Mauritius” – Commonwealth Secretariat funded Project implemented by ODI, UK, for the Government of Mauritius. He was also a consultant in the project “Study on the Development of the Services Sector and Services Negotiations under the Economic Partnership Agreement” – EU funded project implemented by Imani (South Africa), for the Government of Mauritius. He is currently involved in three consultancy projects, funded by UNCTAD, in the areas of investment, commodity trade and regional integration. He is also a consultant of the African Development Bank (ADB) working on the African Economic Outlook 2007/2008.

His research interest are the following:
small and medium scale enterprise;
general equilibrium modelling
gravity models
trade and investment
textile sector

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