GTAP Events: 2003 Advisory Board Meeting
General Information
June 10-11, 2003
Scheveningen, The Hague, The Netherlands
Background Document
- Objectives, goals, and accomplishments
- Data Base developments
- Model developments
- Courses, conference, and website
2003 Summary
- Accomplishments
- Significant points
- Schedule for Version 6
- Goals for the coming year
Agency Reports and Representatives
- Martina Brockmeier, Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)
- Hsin Huang (Philip Bagnoli), OECD Environment Directorate
- Agapi Somwaru (Mary Bohman), ERS/USDA
- Patrick Jomini (Philippa Dee), Productivity Commission
- Masakazu Watanuki (Robert Devlin), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- Joseph Francois, Erasmus University
- Soren Frandsen, Danish Research Institute of Food Economics (FOI)
- Kenichi Kawasaki (Takashi Omori), Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
- Sebastien Jean, Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Information Internationales (CEPII)
- Kenichi Kawasaki, Research Institute of Economy Trade and Industry (RIETI)
- Robert Koopman, US International Trade Commission
- Arjan LeJour, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB)
- Roberta Piermartini (Patrick Low), World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Will Martin, The World Bank
- Sherman Robinson, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Hom Pant, ABARE
- Frank van Tongeren, Agricultural Economics Research Institute - LEI
- Ralf Peters (David Vanzetti), Division for International Trade and Commerce (UNCTAD)
- Liwayway Adkins, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Alan A. Powell, Monash University
- John Reilly, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Major Points of Discussion
- Strategic planning
The Center plans to undertake a strategic planning exercise in the coming
year and the Board provided some valuable input and ideas about how to proceed
with this activity.
- Market access (Protection) data base
There was considerable discussion of the protection data base at this year's
meeting. It appears that we are on the verge of making a major step forward
in this area.
- Data base quality assurance
The board was pleased with progress in this area. The Center will continue
to make these high priorities in the coming year. It was also suggested that
we should try to get more country notes from the contributors and develop
more specific guidelines for the disaggregation of value-added.
- Parameter estimation and model validation
The board was pleased with progress made in this area (trade elasticities
and consumer demand) and would like to see this research continued. Development
of a time series CGE data base at the US-ITC should help to fuel future work
on model validation. There was also a sense that the Center should continue
to build links with researchers conducting econometric research on international
trade issues.
Goals for the Coming Year
- Release the version 6 GTAP Data Base.
- Compare protection data bases from different sources (WITS/TRAINS,
CEPII, AMAD), seek to understand their differences, and determine the best
approach to characterizing protection in the version 6 data base.
- Introduce bilateral information on direct trade in services
- Improve the government accounts in GTAP to permit a more accurate
treatment of public finance issues.
- Produce a prototype version of GTAP with explicit treatment of domestic
wholesale/retail/transport margins.
- Refine and document the dynamic GTAP Model in anticipation of a
dynamic modeling short course.
- Continue work on parameter estimation for GTAP and encourage research
aimed at model validation.
- Work on improving the quality of primary factor splits. Of particular
concern is the treatment of self-employed labor as well as land across sub-sectors
within agriculture.
- Improve the coverage of domestic support data to separately include
the commodities that are currently lumped under miscellaneous commodities
in the OECD PSE tables.
- Continue to improve communication with national IO data base contributors.
- Conduct a feasibility study on the cost of bringing the IFPRI/UNDP
Social Accounting Matrices for Latin America into the GTAP Data Base.
Then attempt to find funding to bring these into version 6.
- Continue work on a GTAP baseline. This time special interest was
expressed in the policy aspect of this baseline, e.g., China's accession to
the WTO, various FTAs, etc.
- Encourage submission of a GTAP technical paper on the topic of adjustment
costs. The idea would be to make some add-on code readily available to
users with an interest in this topic.
- Go through a strategic planning process at the Center.
- Organize the 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
to be held in Washington, D.C., in June of 2004.
- Hold the annual GTAP Short Course at Purdue University in August
Alan A. Powell Award
Each year we acknowledge the contributions of one of the GTAP Current Advisory Board Representatives
with the Alan A. Powell award. Alan Powell was the inspiration behind this
project. He founded the IMPACT Project in Australia-and directed it for more
than two decades. The GTAP effort drew heavily on the IMPACT philosophy.
We are pleased to announce that the 2003 Award Recipient is
Robert Koopman.
Bob has served on the advisory board since 1998 when
he brought the USITC into the Consortium. Since then he has had a significant
impact on GTAP. With a strong background in Russia and Eastern Europe, he was in
a perfect position to help to extend GTAP in that direction by means of personal
presentations to government officials, stimulating small projects by other
agencies, and putting up his own staff time and resources. As a consequence, we
now have a first-class Russian data base.
Bob has also been a tireless advocate of training for his people. He has sent
a remarkably wide range of individuals to the GTAP Short Courses, and as a
result, the ITC is getting a great deal out of GTAP as well.
Finally, he has been a regular participant at the GTAP board meetings. His
advocacy for work on parameter estimation and model validation makes him an
especially deserving recipient of the Alan A. Powell Award.
Congratulations, Bob!
Research Fellows
Each year, Members of the GTAP Consortium nominate new GTAP Research Fellows. This year's recipients are:
Mary Burfisher
For her role in advancing economy-wide analysis of agricultural trade policies.
Shih Hsun Hsu
For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of public policies in Taiwan.
Allan Rae
For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of agricultural and trade policies
David Tarr
For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of trade policies in developing countries
Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
For his role in advancing economy-wide analysis of developing country policies
Research Fellows are nominated for 3 years. This year, the Board re-nominated:
Glenn Harrison
In recognition of outstanding economic research using the GTAP Data Base as well as contributions to broadening of the network of GTAP users.
Last Modified: 10/16/2023 9:52:47 AM