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Member Details
David G. Tarr

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 4/3/2024
Visits: 7,035
Dr. David G. Tarr

International School of Economics at TSU
7901 Hispanola Ave
Unit 1102
North Bay Village, FL 33141
United States
5712242796 (ph)
503 210-8269 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - David G. Tarr

DAVID G. TARR is a former Lead Economist with the World Bank; and a member of the academic board and policy adviser to the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET). Dr. Tarr has authored more than 80 refereed journal articles, written or edited 14 books or monographs and over 100 additional professional papers. Google Scholar shows that he has an H index of 53 as of September 2023. His solely authored articles in leading economics journals include articles in Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of International Economics and the Journal of Comparative Economics.

Dr. Tarr has worked as an advisor to government officials in 27 countries, providing international trade policy advice to governments on a wide range of international trade policy issues. He has a special interest in economy-wide computer modeling of trade policies and trade policy of countries that are transitioning from communist to market economies, having worked in 13 of the 15 countries of the former Soviet Union.

Dr. Tarr has contributed "Putting Services and Foreign Direct Investment with Endogenous Productivity Effects in Computable General Equilibrium Models" to the the Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling and a two volume set of his collected works has been published by World Scientific Publishers.

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