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Member Details
Luis Pena-Levano

Created: 8/9/2013
Updated: 10/9/2023
Visits: 3,648
Dr. Luis Pena-Levano
Assistant Professor

University of California, Davis
18830 Rd 112
Tulare, CA 93274
United States
(559) 688-1731 (ph)

Luis Peña-Lévano is an upcoming assistant professor at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, specializing in Dairy Cattle Production, Health, & Management Economics. He is also Graduate Adjunct Faculty at Purdue Global.
Areas of specialization include dairy economics, CGE, international agricultural trade and research in climate change. His areas of interest are international finance and trade, resource economics, benefit cost analysis and the application of global economic effects using general equilibriums models. Recently, he has been awarded with the Best Publication in Environmental and Resource Economics journal. His dissertation "The Economic Benefits and Cost of Mitigating Climate Change" received the Dissertation Award in the field of Social Sciences in 2018 by Purdue University.
In the last three years (2020-2023), he has earned multiple prestigious awards, grants and fellowships including the Rising Star Award from the IFAMA Association (2023), the Robert Dykstra Fellowship from UWRF (2022), the NCR-SARE and S-SARE grants (2022, 2023), Best Paper in the ERE journal (2020), among others.

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