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Member Details
Jason Nassios

Created: 1/14/2016
Updated: 3/2/2023
Visits: 1,466
Dr. Jason Nassios
Associate Professor

Centre of Policy Studies
Victoria University
Level 1, 300 Queen Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
+61 3 9919 1480 (ph)

Curriculum Vitae - Jason Nassios

I am an Associate Professor at the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), based at Victoria University’s Flinders Street campus in Melbourne, Australia. I hold a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Melbourne, with my thesis titled Oscillatory Flows of a Slightly Rarefied Gas: A Kinetic Theory Investigation. Prior to joining CoPS in April 2015, I spent four years as a member of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne, and two years as a Senior Analyst/Associate at Mercer Investments Australia. My areas of interest include applied economic modelling for policy analysis, finance, gas dynamics and applied mathematics. At CoPS, my core responsibilities include the development of practical economic models and databases for the provision of economic policy advice, recent examples of which include the development of the multi-regional VURMTAX model of Australia’s state and territories, and the USAGE2F and USAGE-HwyF financial Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models of the United States.

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