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Member Details
Philip Adams

Created: 3/19/2001
Updated: 2/11/2014
Visits: 6,081
Dr. Philip Adams

Victoria University
PO Box 14428
Melbourne, Victoria 8001
61 3 9919 1435 (ph)

Philip is Director and Professor at the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), Monash University. He is also the Australian coordinator for the Economic Outlook taskforce of the Pacific Economic Co-operation group. Philip has previously worked at the Bureau of Agricultural Economics (now the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics) and at the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (now the Melbourne Institute). He holds a Masters Degree and a Ph.D., both in economics, from the University of Melbourne.

Philip's main area of expertise is the application of large multi-sectoral and multi-regional economic models for policy analysis and forecasting. Since completing his Ph.D., he has been involved in the implementation of several large models of the Australian economy: a short-run macro model, the MONASH dynamic model and the MMRF-Green model of Australian regions.
In early 2000, Philip spent four months in Denmark at the invitation of the Danish government developing a dynamic multi-sectoral model of the Danish economy (Dynamic-AAGE). A follow-up visit occurred in the second half of 2001. This project included not only research but also the provision of training for Danish economists.

Philip has about 50 refereed publications covering topics such as: the prospects for industries, states and regions; the economic effects of import tariffs; the contribution of international tourism; the implications of APEC tariff liberalisation; the benefits and costs of major export projects; and the impacts of greenhouse-response policies for Australian regions. His articles have been published in a wide range of journals, including the International Journal of Forecasting, the Pacific Economic Review, the World Economy, Applied Economics, Economic Letters, Economic Studies Quarterly, the Asia-Pacific Economic Review, Economic Record, the Australian Bulletin of Labour, and the Australasian Journal of Regional Studies.

From 2001 to June 2004, Philip was Director, Consulting at CoPS. During this period contract income for the Group grew strongly from $979,000 in 2000 to over 1,300,000 in 2003. Over these four years Philip had primary responsibility for completing more than 40 research contracts. His clients included: the Danish Institute of Food Economics, the South African Department of Agriculture, the University of Pretoria, the Allen Consulting group, PricewaterhouseCoopers, ABARE, the Australian Greenhouse Office, the Productivity Commission, and the state governments of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.

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