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Member Details
Arjan Lejour

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 1/4/2011
Visits: 6,934
Dr. Arjan Lejour
Programmeleader International Economics

CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Van Stolkweg 14
PO Box 80510
The Hague 2508 GM
The Netherlands
+. (ph)
+. (fx)

Arjan Lejour is programmeleader at the sector International Economics of CPB since 2005. He is responsible for the research programme globalisation. He has been programmeleader Europe and senior researcher in international economics. Arjan has expertise in trade behaviour of Dutch firms, trade in services and the effects of trade on economic growth. He has also a lot of experience with the analysis of EU policies such as the internal market, economic reforms (Europe 2020), subsidiarity and enlargement. He has been consultant for DG Economic and Financial Affairs, DG Enterprise and Industry, DG Trade and DG Budget of the European Commission and for the Swiss and Finnish government. He also particpates in various national and international working groups.

Work experience
2009 - Programmeleader Globalisation
2005 - 2009 Programmeleader European Analysis
1996 - 2005 Researcher at sector International Economics CPB
1998 - 1998 (temporary) Assistant Professor at department of Economics, University of Amsterdam.
1994 - 1996 Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Tilburg University.
1990 - 1994 Phd student Centre for Economic Research (CentER), Tilburg University.

1995, Phd thesis: Integrating or Desintegrating Welfare States? a qualitative study to the consequences of economic integration on social insurance, Centre for Economic Research (CentER), Tilburg University.
1990, Masters in Philosophy of Economics at Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
1990, Masters in Econometrics at Faculty of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

For a complete list of Arjan Lejour's publications, please visit the CPB Web site.

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