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GTAP Resource #96

"World Scan, The Core Version"
by Lejour, Arjan

WorldScan is a flexible model at CPB developed to analyse long-term issues in the world economy.
Examples are globalization, ageing, the depletion of energy sources and the emission of greenhouse
gasses. WorldScan is also used to perform policy analysis — on trade and environmental policies, for
example. This publication presents the core version of WorldScan. It gives an overview of the model,
the data, and applications. The first part of the book discusses the main mechanisms of WorldScan
and its theoretical foundations and properties. Characteristic elements of the model are an Armington
trade specification, combined with Heckscher-Ohlin mechanisms in the long run, converging
consumption patterns, a low-productivity sector in developing regions, from which the high-
productivity economy may draw labour, and a division between low- and high-skilled labour. The
second part presents the calibration procedure and the data used for calibration. It also shows the
projections of exogenous trends that are necessary for the construction of scenarios. The mechanisms
of the model are illustrated by presenting simulation results of a globalization scenario. The
applications demonstrate that WorldScan can be used to construct scenarios for all kinds of studies,
to analyse events like ageing and globalization, and to analyse trade policies and climate-change

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: WorldScan the Core Version, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague, December 1999. ISBN 90 5833 020 6.For more information:
Date: 1999
Created: Bacou, M. (9/27/2000)
Updated: Lejour, A. (8/28/2007)
Visits: 3,034
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