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Member Details
Srabashi Ray

Created: 3/2/2020
Updated: 1/4/2024
Visits: 2,223
Dr. Srabashi Ray
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
KRAN #645
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
United States
- (ph)
+1 765 494-9176 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Srabashi Ray

Srabashi Ray is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. Her research interests are a combination of Environmental Economics and Development Economics with a focus on informing policies for sustainable agricultural development, equity and food security. She is pursuing research that leverages the global-to-local-global approach (SIMPLE) that models economic feedback effects in local conditions to improve policy design aiming to build resilient natural-human systems. Srabashi has also taught several undergraduate and graduate courses Microeconomics, Econometrics and Environmental Economics in-person, virtually and hybrid formats.

Srabashi holds a PhD in Applied Economics from Oregon State University and co-authored a book titled “Sustainable Agricultural Development: An Economic Perspective” in 2020. Previously she worked at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in New Delhi, India.

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