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Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 4/23/2012
Visits: 3,239
Dr. Dirk Willenbockel
Research Fellow

Institute of Development Studies - University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RE
United Kingdom
44-1273-91-5700 (ph)
44-1273-621202 (fx)

Selected CGE-related Publications:

Willenbockel, Dirk (1994) Applied General Equilibrium Modelling: Imperfect Competition and European Integration, John Wiley & Sons: Chichester and New York.

Polaski, Sandra; de Souza Ferreira Filho, Joaquim Bento; Berg, Janine; McDonald, Scott; Thierfelder, Karen, Willenbockel, Dirk, Zepeda; Eduardo (2009) Brazil in the Global Economy: Measuring the Gains from Trade. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace / International Labour Office: Washington, DC / Geneva.

Delzeit, Ruth; Beach, Robert; Bibas, Ruben; Britz, Wolfgang; Château, Jean; Freund, Florian; Lefevre, Julien; Schuenemann, Franziska; Sulser, Timothy; Valin, Hugo; Van Ruijven, Bas; Weitzel, Matthias; Willenbockel, Dirk; Wojtowicz, Krzysztof (2020) Linking Global CGE Models with Sectoral Models to Generate Baseline Scenarios: Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities. Journal of Global Economic Analysis 5(1), 162-195.

Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Bogard, Jessica; Herrero, Mario; Robinson, Sherman; Sulser, Timothy; Wiebe, Keith; Willenbockel, Dirk; Godfray, H. Charles J. (2020) Modelling the Global Economic Consequences of a Major African Swine Fever Outbreak in China. Nature Food 1(4), 221-228..

Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Sulser, Timothy B.; Wiebe, Keith; Rosegrant, Mark W.; Lowder, Sarah K.; Nin-Pratt, Alejandro; Willenbockel, Dirk; Robinson, Sherman; Zhu, Tingju; Cenacchi, Nicola; Dunston, Shahnila; Robertson, Richard D. (2019) Agricultural Investments and Hunger in Africa: Modeling Potential Contributions to SDG2 – Zero Hunger. World Development 116, 38-53.

Willenbockel, Dirk; Hoka Osiolo, Helen; Bawakyillenuo, Simon (2017) Exploring the Macroeconomic Impacts of Low-Carbon Energy Transitions: A Simulation Analysis for Kenya and Ghana. IDS Bulletin 48(5-6), 49-78.

Ringler, Claudia; Willenbockel, Dirk; Perez, Nicostrato; Rosegrant, Mark; Zhu, Tingju; Matthews, Nathanial (2016) Global Linkages among Energy, Food and Water: An Economic Assessment. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6(1), 161-171.

Elshennawy, Abeer; Robinson, Sherman; Willenbockel, Dirk (2016) Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt. Economic Modelling 52(B), 681-689.

Robinson, Sherman; Willenbockel, Dirk (2012) A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia. Review of Development Economics 16(3), 489-502.

Arndt, Channing; Robinson, Sherman; Willenbockel, Dirk (2011) Ethiopia’s Growth Prospects in a Changing Climate: A Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach. Global Environmental Change 21(2), 701-710.

Robinson, Sherman; Willenbockel, Dirk (2009) The OECD Recession and Developing Country Trade: A Global Simulation Analysis. IDS Bulletin 40(5), 14-27.

Willenbockel, Dirk (2008) Social Time Preference Revisited. Journal of Population Economics 21(3), 609-622.

Willenbockel, Dirk (2005) Public Debt, the Terms of Trade and Welfare in an Overlapping Generations Model with Lifetime Uncertainty. Economics Bulletin 5(10), 1-8.

Willenbockel, Dirk (2004) Specification Choice and Robustness in CGE Trade Policy Analysis with Imperfect Competition. Economic Modelling 21(6), 1065-1099.

Willenbockel, Dirk (1999) Applied General Equilibrium Trade Policy Analysis in the Presence of Foreign Asset Cross-Ownership, Economic Modelling 16(3), 371-388.

Willenbockel, Dirk (1999) On Apparent Problems with the Use of the Armington Aggregator in Computable General Equilibrium Models, Applied Economics Letters 6,(9), 589-591.

Willenbockel, Dirk (1998) Growth Effects of Anticipated Trade Liberalization and the Baldwin Multiplier, Economics Letters 59(2), 231-235.

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