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Member Details
Channing Arndt

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 2/24/2023
Visits: 10,656
Dr. Channing Arndt
Senior Director, Transformation Strategies Department

International Food Policy Research Institute / CGIAR
1201 Eye Street NW
Washington, District Of Columbia 20005
United States
+1 202 862 8103 (ph)
+1 970 689 2112 (fx)

Channing Arndt has dedicated his career to the systemic transformations that underpin inclusive economic development. Prior to transitioning to Senior Director for Transformation Strategies, he directed the Environment and Production Technology Division (EPTD) at IFPRI. EPTD explored five themes: Global Change, Natural Resource Management, Science and Technology Policy, Spatial Data and Analytics, and Institutions and Governance. IFPRI/EPTD also housed IFPRI’s IMPACT model, Program on Biosafety Systems (PBS), and Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) network. He has worked closely with central decision-making organs at national level in Africa and Asia including six years of resident experience in the Ministry of Plan and Finance in Mozambique. He has an established reputation for building institutional capacity in countries and via research networks such as the African Economic Research Consortium. His recent books include Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa; Measuring Poverty and Wellbeing in Developing Countries; and The Political Economy of Clean Energy Transitions. He has published research in leading academic journals on a range of topics including agricultural development, poverty measurement, poverty alleviation and growth, market integration, nutrition, gender and discrimination, HIV/AIDS, technological change, trade policy, aid effectiveness, energy, bioenergy, climate variability, and the implications of climate change.

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