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GTAP Resource #15

"Shifting Uses for Natural Resources in a Changing Climate"
by Darwin, Roy, Marinos Tsigas, Jan Lewandrowski and Anthony Raneses

In contrast to most previous studies of the impacts of climate change on world agricultural systems, this study links economic activities to land resources that are determined by climate. It also accounts for farmers adopting their crop mix to altered climate conditions. Despite negative impacts in some regions, climate change will have a relatively small (ñ3%) impact on the long term ability of global agriculture to meet future food demands. This depends, however, on the ability to shift crop production to new locations, even across national borders, which could in turn damage fragile ecosystems.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: World Resources Review 6(4):559-569, December 1994
Date: 1995
Created: Bacou, M. (9/27/2000)
Updated: Tsigas, M. (10/6/2007)
Visits: 2,581
- Climate change policy

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