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GTAP Resource #169

"Impact of China's WTO Entry on Labor Intensive Export Market --A Recursive Dynamic CGE Analysis"
by Wang, Zhi

This paper analyzes the impact of China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on U.S. agricultural exports by a recursive dynamic general equilibrium model of world production and trade. The simulation results show that there are significant impact for trade structures of China's trading partners depending on whether or not China gains the benefits from the elimination of MFA quotas. The results also imply that both countries benefit if the United States is willing to lift the quantitative restrictions on labor-intensive imports from China in exchange for China's opening of its markets for U.S. food and agricultural products.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: The World Economy Volume 22(3):379-405, May
Date: 1999
Created: Bacou, M. (9/27/2000)
Updated: Wang, Z. (7/18/2001)
Visits: 2,396
- Dynamic modeling

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