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GTAP Resource #1723

"In the Jungle: Towards a Common Documentation Standard for CGE- based Experiments"
by Hess, Sebastian

Openness is a key principle of the GTAP network. However, there’s no general, accepted framework that guides authors on how to publish the settings of their experiments. As a result, transparency within and between simulations- based publications is limited. We employ a randomly drawn literature sample to quantify the way in which economists around the globe describe their experimental settings. We use a regression model in order to identify variables that influence simulation output significantly and can therefore be regarded crucial determinants for the average simulation experiment. Our results highlight the fact that simulations are heavily driven by settings that are unique to each experiment. At the same time, these elements tend on average to be documented in a rather heterogeneous manner, as the survey reveals. Therefore, we suggest guidelines that can improve transparency within and across simulation experiments and may serve as a starting point for further research.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
2005 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany
Date: 2005
Created: Hess, S. (4/29/2005)
Updated: Batta, G. (6/21/2005)
Visits: 2,985
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