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GTAP Resource #1740

"Japanese electricity generation from nuclear technology and the Kyoto Agreement"
by Hamasaki, Hiroshi and Truong Truong

We use the Nuclear Energy Agency and International Energy Agency (NEA/IEA) data to modify the electricity production structure in the GTAP-E model to allow for electricity generation in Japan to be composed of nuclear and non-nuclear sources. Since electricity sector plays major role in climate change mitigation, we introduce gTechnology Bundleh approach to electricity generation sector. The approach can claim the following advantages:
1. it ensures that the pattern of input use is consistent with know technologies which usual exhibit what may be described as lumpy or indivisibility constraints on certain inputs such as capital or labour.
2. it is highly transparent in the sense that it allows an assessment of how some policy change can lead to relative changes in the use of different technologies rather than a mere observation of the derived changes in input use.
3. the elasticity of substitution parameters in the technology bundle approach can be estimated by reference to the results from bottom up models and therefore, can cover a wide rage of data values that might occur in a simulation.

In this research, we then use the model to conduct some policy simulations to analyse the effect of the implementation of the Kyoto Agreement on the Japanese economy, with and without the contribution from nuclear electricity. In the former case, we assume the share of electricity from nuclear technology to remain the same as in the reference case. In the latter case, we allow this share to respond to the rising electricity generating costs from non-nuclear means which results from the implementation of the Kyoto Agreement. We then compare the results from the two cases to look at the contribution from nuclear technology to the fulfillment of the Kyoto Agreement in the case of the Japanese economy.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
2005 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany
Date: 2005
Created: Hamasaki, H. (5/1/2005)
Updated: Batta, G. (6/21/2005)
Visits: 2,832
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