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GTAP Resource #1801

"GTAP 6 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 11.J: Argentina"
by Méndez Parra, Maximiliano

Abstract not provided.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 6 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2006
Created: Dimaranan, B. (5/11/2005)
Updated: Dimaranan, B. (10/2/2006)
Visits: 4,298
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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GTAP 6 Data Base documentation. Last update: 02 October 2006

Comments (1 posted)
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Posted by: Ludena, Carlos   1/14/2009 4:27:00 PM
I have been reviewing the sectoral mapping in the documentation, specifically of the sectors i_s and nfm to the three original MIP97 sectors:
65 Basic industries of iron and steel
67 Metal melting
66 No ferrous metalworking

Could it be possible that sector 66 "Non ferrous metalworking" be directly mapped to the GTAP sector nfm, and that sectors 65 and 67 could be directly mapped to GTAP sector i_s.?

In this way, you would avoid grouping together i_s and nfm and give a better mapping from the original data to the GTAP format.
