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GTAP Resource #2051

"Hard-Core Poverty in Senegal (Le noyau dur de la pauvreté au Sénégal)"
by Diagne, Oumar, Ousmane Faye and Salimata Faye

To circumvent E-F errors that infect poverty targeting the paper explores the profile of the core poverty in Senegal. In that purpose, three poverty indicators based on expenditures, assets and relative deprivation are constructed.

The study highlights multiple dimensions of the poverty and shows that the phenomenon is deeply implemented in Senegal: about two persons out of eleven are facing monetary resources gap, do not have an adequate modern life and have low capital level. The core poverty approach is of a great usefulness for Senegal poverty diagnosis since it provides evidence of vulnerability of women –in particular widows and divorcees– and low school-skill persons to poverty, a ground on which previous studies failed. It also reveals that extreme poverty is wide in south where public investment is not efficient.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2006 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Date: 2005
Created: Faye, S. (5/1/2006)
Updated: Faye, S. (5/1/2006)
Visits: 2,947
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