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GTAP Resource #2212

"GTAP-AGR Parameter Aggregation File"
by Ludena, Carlos

Modification to AGGPAR.TAB
This file is to aggregate parameters in GTAP-AGR to an specific regional and commodity aggregation.

IMPORTANT: This modified file is use in the DATA-AGG module of FLEXAGG.

AGRI_COMM #Primary Agriculture Commodities#
GROUPS #Groups#

2. New Disaggregate Parameters
Add regional dimension to ESUBT and ESUBVA
DSIGT(i,r) #intermediate usage substitution elasticity TOP level CES#;
DSIGVA(i,r) #Allen partial elasticities for Value Added#;

New ESUBT that is the elasticity of substitution between farm-owned (value added) and composite purchased (intermediate) inputs
DSIGT2(i,r) #Elast. Subs. Purchased Inputs#;

3. New User supplied parameters
DETRAE(i,r) #CET elasticity of transformation Primary Factors#;
DETRAEAGNAG(i,r) #Elast. Trans. Prim. Factors between AG and Non-AG#;
DESUBFEED(i,r) #Elast. Subs. Feedstuffs#;
APEP(i,g) #Allen Elast. Subs. Purchased Inputs# ;
APEV(i,g) #Allen Elast. Subs. Value Added# ;
DFYHHLDSHR(r) #HH Income Share from Farming# ;

4. New read commands for new parameters
5. Coefficient aggregation
- Changed values to include regional dimension
VA(c,r) #value added by industry, at firms' prices#;
VIU(j,r) #purchases of domestic and imports of j in region r #;

- New formulas for aggregation of ESUBT and ESUBVA.
- Formulas for new parameters

6. New write commands for new parameters

NOTE: Once we aggregate the data we should modify GSET.HAR to include Sets that were not included.
** should be able to modify this step to include missing sets

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: General Documentation
Status: Not published
By/In: Center of Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2006
Version: 1.0
Created: Ludena, C. (11/19/2006)
Updated: Ludena, C. (10/14/2008)
Visits: 2,603
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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Special Instructions
Use this file in FLEXAGG to aggregate parameters of GTAP-AGR included in . Use this file along with the files included in "GTAP-AGR : A Framework for Assessing the Implications of Multilateral Changes in Agricultural Policies" by Keeney, Roman and Thomas Hertel.

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