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GTAP Resource #2722

"Growth of Biomass-based Bioenergy and Global Implications for Agriculture: A General Equilibrium Analysis"
by Elbehri, Aziz

Energy security, environmental concerns, and technological innovations have sharply raised interest in agricultural biomass. Second-generation biofuels offers large potential for growth, requiring significant amount of biomass from a variety of sources. A larger role for biomass will have significant implications on agricultural markets with spillover cross-border effects through trade.

The development of bioenergy markets depends on a host of factors including supply drivers, technology progress, and policy incentives. In light of expected biomass-based growth of bioenergy markets in the U.S., EU and other countries, there is a need for better understanding how such growth might affect intra-energy market competition and price-driven effects on agricultural markets, and trade in biomass and biofuels.

To date, few models have directly addressed cellulosic biomass for 2nd generation biofuels. In this research, we extend the GTAP-E model to incorporate first generation biofuels as well as cellulosic biomass into the energy producing sectors, and accounting for new energy-bioenergy (biofuels, bioelectricity) nesting. Both the database and the model are redesigned to create new biomass sectors to meet first generation biofuels and cellulosic-based biomass products (agricultural residues, forestry residues, energy crops) for 2nd generation biofuels.

The model will be applied to examine the implications of biofuels development options in developing countries as part of an FAO project on Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Project with an initial focus on Tanzania. The analysis will assess a set of feedstock and biofuels scenarios for Tanzania and look at the market and price effects of biofuels activities. The macro and market level effects of biofuels scenarios will be followed by an assessment at the household level to examine the food security implications for various populations groups within Tanzania.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2008 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Helsinki, Finland
Date: 2008
Created: Elbehri, A. (4/15/2008)
Updated: (4/15/2008)
Visits: 2,197
- Renewable energy
- Africa (East)

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