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GTAP Resource #2875

"GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 7 I-O Table: Colombia"
by Perdomo, Alvaro

Colombia has a long tradition building and working with input-output tables and social accounting matrixes, in the country is recognized the importance of this kind of information1. Likewise, in the last years we have been more interested in GTAP team work because at the moment we are managing and improving some CGE models and one of them is a multicountry model2.

The input-output table for Colombia in GTAP v6 was built according to the information supplied by the Colombian National Statistical Office (DANE)3 for 20004. The DANE has four kinds of tables where the National Accounts are compiled: (i) a use matrix (industry by commodity), (ii) a make matrix (industry by commodity), (iii) a supply-demand table (by commodity) and (iv) a general economic equilibrium table.

The use and the make matrices have 59 sectors and they are valued at purchaser prices, while the supply-demand table is available for 480 sectors and it is valued at purchaser, producer and basic prices. The general equilibrium table involved the aggregate values for the main institutional agents that interact in the economy (households, enterprises, government and rest of the world).

All values in the last tables and matrixes are expressed in million 2000 current Colombian pesos. The average exchange for that year was 2,087.4 pesos per US dollar.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2008
Created: Batta, G. (9/29/2008)
Updated: Batta, G. (9/29/2008)
Visits: 4,421
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- South America

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