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GTAP Resource #29

"Solutions for Large General Equilibrium Models Using GEMPACK"
by Harrison, J and Ken Pearson

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This version is dated June 1994.


GEMPACK is a suite of general-purpose economic modelling software especially suitable for general and partial equilibrium models. It can handle a wide range of economic behaviour and also contains a versatile method for solving intertemporal models. GEMPACK provides software for calculating accurate solutions of an economic model, starting from an algebraic representation of the equations of the model. These equations can be written as levels equations, linearized equations or a mixture of these two. The software provides a range of utility programs for handling the economic data base and the results of simulations, and is fully documented from a user's point of view.

GEMPACK is used to implement and solve a number of economic models including several single-country models (of which the ORANI model of Australia is perhaps the best known), multi-country trade models, regional models and intertemporal (or dynamic) models. GEMPACK runs on a wide variety of computers including 80386/80486 microcomputers running DOS, Windows or OS/2, Apple Macintosh computers, Unix machines, DEC VAX and Alpha machines running VMS.

This paper gives an overview of the current release of GEMPACK (Release 5.1, April 1994).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: Paper No. IP-64. Centre of Policy Studies and the IMPACT Project, Monash University, Australia
Date: 1995
Created: Bacou, M. (9/27/2000)
Updated: Batta, G. (1/28/2014)
Visits: 3,310
- Software and modeling tools
- Dynamic modeling

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