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GTAP Resource #2959

"GTAP-E: A Revised Energy-Environmental Version of the GTAP Model"
by McDougall, Robert and Alla Golub

The purpose of this memorandum is to document recent revisions to the energy environmental extension of the GTAP Model (GTAP-E) described in GTAP Technical Paper No.16 by Burniaux and Truong (2002). We revise the solution program, data, stored input and command files, and welfare decomposition program. The revisions are undertaken to improve the model's user friendliness, adapt it to a wider range of energy-environmental policy scenarios, and correct errors. A technical paper documenting the theoretical structure of GTAP-E is forthcoming.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Research Memorandum
Status: Published
By/In: GTAP Research Memorandum No. 15
Date: 2009
Created: Alexander, M. (3/10/2009)
Updated: Corong, E. (5/17/2021)
Visits: 24,665
- Climate change policy
- Software and modeling tools

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  File format GTAP Research Memorandum No. 15  (90.5 KB)   Replicated: 0 time(s)
  File format GTAPEv8  (13.5 MB)   Replicated: 0 time(s)

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Special Instructions
Please also see: "GTAP-E: An Energy-Environmental Version of the GTAP Model"

GTAP-E 6-pre2

Comments (2 posted)
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Posted by: Rivera, Luis   2/25/2013 4:15:00 PM
Is the GTAP-E FlexAgg Program (to be used with the GTAP-E) downloadable from the GTAP Web page? Thank you and regards.

Posted by: Golub, Alla   3/4/2013 1:57:00 PM
The GTAP-E Flexagg Data Base Package for version 8 has 2004 and 2007 and is available free of charge to the GTAP data base subscribers. Details and order form available at: