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GTAP Resource #311

"A Graphical Exposition of the GTAP Model"
by Brockmeier, Martina

October 1996 (edited January 2000 and March 2001)

This paper offers a graphical exposition of the GTAP model of global trade. Particular emphasis is placed on the accounting, or equilibrium, relationships in the model. It begins with a treatment of the a one region version of GTAP, thereafter adding a rest of world region to highlight the treatment of trade flows in the model. The implementation of policy instruments in GTAP is also explored, using simple supply-demand graphics.

The material provided in this paper was first developed as an introduction to GTAP for participants taking the annual short course. Based on its success in that venue, this paper has been placed on the "highly recommended" reading list for individuals seeking an introduction and overview of the GTAP framework. This paper offers a graphical exposition of the GTAP model of global trade. Particular emphasis is placed on the accounting, or equilibrium, relationships in the model. It begins with a treatment of the a one region version of GTAP, thereafter adding a rest of world region to highlight the treatment of trade flows in the model. The implementation of policy instruments in GTAP is also explored, using simple supply-demand graphics. The material provided in this paper was first developed as an introduction to GTAP for participants taking the annual short course. Based on its success in that venue, this paper has been placed on the highly recommended reading list for individuals seeking an introduction and overview of the GTAP framework.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Technical Paper
Status: Published
By/In: GTAP Technical Paper No. 08
Date: 2001
Version: 3.0
Created: Bacou, M. (9/27/2000)
Updated: Batta, G. (3/3/2021)
Visits: 22,937
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