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GTAP Resource #3360

"Lessons learned in assessing and drafting rules of origin"
by Inama, Stefano

Rules of origin are a very complex issue, both when are to be negotiated and when they have to be administered.
I a ideal situation, rules of origin should normally start from analytical studies based on industrial accounting engineering to identify what production method ensures medium-long term viability and sustainability of the different options. Customs and trade policy experts could contribute their own experience drawn from other regions and draft possible negotiating ways forward. Economists could resort to some modelling and scenario on the merits of each proposal.

In practice, this seldom happens. Limitations on technical expertise and resources are sometimes one of the limiting factors especially during negotiations of free trade areas among developing countries. However, given the growing technical assistance offered by many developing countries, this should become less of a problem.however this is not happening.

Experience has show that the lack of expertise and the failure of negotiating machinery is generating the most formidable stumbling block in negotiations and sometimes fatal mistakes.

The paper will look into these issues and will provide a series of lessons learned and ways and means to asses and draft rules of origin.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2010
Created: Inama, S. (4/15/2010)
Updated: Batta, G. (5/25/2010)
Visits: 911
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