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GTAP Resource #3430

"GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 9.B: Re-Export Trade for the Netherlands and Singapore"
by Gehlhar, Mark

Several countries throughout the world engage in re-export activity.1 However, most countries do not provide specific information for treating transshipment activity for the GTAP Data Base. The Netherlands and Singapore are major re-exporting countries for which there are adequate data for approximating the amount of re-exports. Previous versions of the GTAP Data Base did not address the problem of indirect trade with Singapore because of inadequate data. Singapore’s reexport trade is a growing problem for the GTAP Data Base. The treatment of re-exports is different for each country because of differences in data availability and reporting practices. This document describes data problems and the nature of the adjustments made for Netherlands and Singapore.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2010
Created: Batta, G. (7/30/2010)
Updated: Batta, G. (7/30/2010)
Visits: 4,298
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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