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GTAP Resource #3636

"Livestock GHG Mitigation: Policy effectiveness and Food Security "
by Golub, Alla, Benjamin Henderson and Thomas Hertel

Recent research on livestock’s role in climate change has raised awareness about contribution that livestock climate policies can make to global mitigation efforts, and has increased the likelihood that mitigation policies will eventually be imposed on the sector. This study investigates effects of GHG mitigation policies on livestock sectors emissions and production by regional sector under a range of global mitigation polices that are broadly aligned with the different responsibilities of developed and developing countries under the UNFCCC. The study also examines emission leakage effects, impacts on food security in developing countries, and the implications of large informal livestock sectors in regions such as Sub Saharan Africa.
The paper builds on a global general equilibrium (GE) model, called GTAP-AEZ-GHG, documented in Golub et al. (2009). Within this new framework, climate change mitigation policy scenarios, which differ by participation of agricultural sectors and non-Annex I countries, as well as by policy instrument (e.g. emission tax or abatement subsidy) are analyzed.
In the absence of the abatement subsidy, the imposition of a carbon tax in agriculture raises the cost of food and therefore has adverse affects on food consumption, especially in developing countries. These reductions in food consumption are smaller if the agricultural producer abatement subsidy is introduced. Inappropriate mitigation policy selection therefore represents a threat to livestock and other agricultural development and food security, especially in countries where the percent of undernourished population is high. The results also highlight the importance of forest carbon sequestration. The global forest carbon sequestration subsidy effectively controls emission leakage when the carbon tax is imposed only in Annex I regions. These preliminary findings generate useful insights for the structuring of cost effective and equitable mitigation policies.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2011 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Venice, Italy
Date: 2011
Created: Henderson, B. (4/15/2011)
Updated: Henderson, B. (4/26/2011)
Visits: 2,593
- Climate change policy

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