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GTAP Resource #3728

"Projections for World CGE Model Baselines"
by Chappuis, Thomas and Terrie Walmsley

While constructing a new baseline for the GDyn model, we spent a lot of time collecting projections and deciding which data to choose. We also developed programs to aggregate projections to any specific geographical aggregation of the GTAP Data Base. In order to help researchers in the construction of their own baselines, we created a baseline section1 on the GTAP website where GTAP users can find the projections data and programs. The purpose of this paper is to document the data used in our new GDyn baseline and to provide a user guide of the baseline website. Our view is that sharing data and expertise with researchers working on baselines will help create reliable and defendable baseline scenarios.

The second annex documents the aggregation programs from the 112 GTAP 7.1 regions to a specific geographical aggregation.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Research Memorandum
Baseline Material
Status: Not published
By/In: GTAP Research Memorandum No. 22
Date: 2011
Created: Chappuis, T. (9/19/2011)
Updated: Chappuis, T. (10/3/2011)
Visits: 8,316
- Dynamic modeling
- Baseline development

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Comments (2 posted)
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Posted by: Yu, Liu   10/5/2011 5:31:00 AM
excellent work Thank you

Posted by: Pratap, Devender   5/5/2013 1:33:00 AM
Hi Terrie, excellent job done. It indeed became easier for someone like me to understand the work relating to historical base line for a paper on dynamic model. Shall i tell you honestly both you and Mark Horridge has been my virtual "gurus". Do you remember when i wrote to you long back in 1998, it was you who advised to be in touch with Mark. My virtuous association indeed paid me a lot in our own endeavour of learning by doing.