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GTAP Resource #4829

"Chapter 7.R: Senegal"
by Aguiar, Angel

Senegal, on the western tip of Africa, is economically in the middle rank of African countries. Although poverty is widespread and unemployment is high, the country has one of the region's more stable economies (BBC, 2015). Agriculture drives the Senegalese economy; tourism and remittances are a source of foreign exchange. Important industries include fishing, fish processing, peanuts and phospate mining. Energy sources are biomass (firewood) and imported oil. Although the country is working on iron ore and oil exploration projects, the I-O table that we use does not include any coal or oil production. Extensive port facilities at Dakar, the capital, serve Senegal and neighboring countries such as Mali. The population is about 14.13 million (2013).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 9 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2015
Created: Douglas, J. (6/2/2015)
Updated: Douglas, J. (6/2/2015)
Visits: 3,473
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