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GTAP Resource #4969

"Agricultural R&D policy under climate and economic uncertainty"
by Cai, Yongyang, Alla Golub, Thomas Hertel and Kenneth Judd

Since the 1950s, increased agricultural productivity has allowed food supply growth to outpace demand on a global scale, resulting in a downward trend in world prices. Investments into agricultural research and development (R&D) have been the foundation for this achievement. Optimal R&D spending depends on future population, income and climate change, all of which are highly uncertain. This study offers a dynamic framework for analyzing optimal agricultural R&D spending in 21st century factoring in uncertainties in these drivers.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2016 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA
Date: 2016
Created: Golub, A. (4/14/2016)
Updated: Golub, A. (4/14/2016)
Visits: 3,088
- Dynamic modeling
- Climate impacts
- Land use
- Economic growth
- Technological change
- Not Applicable

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