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GTAP Resource #5321

"Trade Policy, Farm Income Security and Global Food Security: A Quantitative Assessment"
by Narayanan, Badri and Jean Balié

The issue of trade and food security has been high on the global agenda for the last two decades at least. After the food price crises of 2007-08 and 20122-12, the dependence on food imports has become even more sensitive in the context of increasing mistrust towards international markets; this has led to some ideological positions that could be summarized as advocating for policies promoting food self-sufficiency as opposed to food self-reliance through trade.
Yet the real impact of trade openness and liberalization on food security is questioned in the literature with a prevailing evidence of mixed results Some empirical results suggest negative effects while others point at important positive effects especially in the long term. Conventional wisdom posits that reducing agricultural/food sector (AFS) import tariffs and other non-tariff barriers may have a lowering effect on domestic food prices and hence enhance food security with less or no costs to the governments. The following policy options are simulated and discussed in the paper:
1. Reduce all non-tariff barriers to AFS imports in developing countries (using the estimates of ad valorem equivalents of NTBs based on the Gravity Redux method developed by Novy, 2012)
2. Reduce all tariffs to AFS imports in developing countries
3. Reduce domestic support to AFS production in developed countries
4. Increase domestic support and income security to farmers in developing countries (by benchmarking them with those in developed countries)

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2017 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Date: 2017
Created: Narayanan, B. (4/15/2017)
Updated: Narayanan, B. (4/15/2017)
Visits: 1,426
- Agricultural policies
- Domestic policy analysis
- Food prices and food security
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Not Applicable

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