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GTAP Resource #5487

"Unraveling the economic performance of the CEEC countries.The role of exports and global value chains."
by Hagemejer, Jan and Muck Jakub

In this study we assess the importance of exports and global value chains (GVC) participation for economic growth. Using novel methods and an extensive dataset, we decompose GDP growth in the Central and Eastern European (CEEC) countries to show that in a large part of the period of transition and integration with the EU, exports have played a predominant role in shaping economic growth. We also show that exports have been the major factor driving the convergence of the CEEC countries with their advanced counterparts. We employ panel methods to analyze the determinants of growth of exported value added and show that the major growth drivers in the analyzed period of 1995-2014 are GVC participation, imports of technology and capital deepening.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2018 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Cartagena, Colombia
Date: 2018
Version: 1
Created: Hagemejer, J. (4/11/2018)
Updated: Hagemejer, J. (4/11/2018)
Visits: 1,110
- Economic growth
- Foreign direct investment
- Technological change
- Europe (Eastern)

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