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GTAP Resource #5711

"Healthy diets and reduced land pressure: a double gain for future food systems in Nigeria?"
by Smeets Kristkova, Zuzana, Thom Achterbosch and Marijke Kuiper

This paper aims to analyse how the food system in Nigeria is expected to transform in the next decades, and to identify the leverage points for making sure that the transformation contributes to balanced consumer diets. A well-established global economy-wide model MAGNET is applied that enables to capture the interlinkages among different food industry players in one consistent framework. By linking MAGNET to the GENUS nutritional database, it is further possible to relate the developments occurring on a macro-level with detailed macro and micro nutrient consumption. Model projections suggest that a process of intensification of agriculture in combination with land substitution appears critical for the evolution of food and nutrition security, and for shifts towards healthy diets for the population. Intensification results in greater diversity of the production systems, which in turn cascades into positive effects on the diversity in the food supply and better food security outcomes.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2019 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Sustainability; Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Warsaw, Poland
Date: 2019
Version: 11
Created: Smeets Kristkova, Z. (4/8/2019)
Updated: Smeets Kristkova, Z. (4/8/2019)
Visits: 2,397
- Land use
- Food prices and food security
- Africa (West)

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