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GTAP Resource #580

"Emissions trading and its impacts on world economies- Contemplation of baseline emissions paths and a ceiling on emissions trading"
by Kemfert, Claudia

Regarding to the Kyoto Protocol of December 1997 the United Nations agreed on several conventions to stabilise the world climate and to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG), respectively. This paper illustrates different scenarios of implementing an emissions trading scheme and investigates the economic implications of different baseline development paths and an additional limitation or ceiling on emissions trading. The analysis focus on the impacts of different emissions reductions options, i.e. to decrease emissions by domestic action or by Annex B emissions trading. World economic impacts are investigated by a world general equilibrium model including 11 international regions and 4 production sectors. Various strategies including flexible instruments, like a ceiling on regional emissions trading and the interregional and intertemporal trade of emissions permits are simulated, compared and evaluated. It turns out that meeting the Kyoto target induce welfare losses to developed and developing countries, an emissions trading option can reduce global and regional welfare losses significantly. Essentially, these welfare losses depend considerably on assumed emissions baseline paths. A ceiling on emissions trading scheme diminish positive economic effects on global and regional welfare, especially within economies in transition.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Not published
By/In: A. Perrels
Date: 2000
Created: (5/15/2001)
Updated: Hertel, T. (5/25/2001)
Visits: 2,031
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Posted by: Pratap, Devender   3/16/2013 11:27:00 PM
Hi Claudia, I amd Devender Pratap froom NCAER India. I am currently working on preparing a Baseline for GTAP-E database.
I ahve gone throught couple of other stuff which you've written with Truoung P Troung. Shall be grateful if you provide me an access to this paper. Devender Pratap NCAER, India.