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GTAP Resource #6009

"Diet-related health consequences of a UK-US trade deal"
by Freund, Florian and Marco Springmann

The potential implications of a UK-US trade deal on UK’s diets is a highly discussed topic. Fears on hormone beef, chlorinated chicken and GMO food is on the agenda again. But besides these potentially harmful food safety aspects, a deal with the USA could also impact incomes, the relative availability and prices of particular food groups, and through that impact the die-tary composition in the UK. Previous analyses have shown that the increases in trade costs that are expected for a British exit from the European Union (Brexit) could increase dietary risks at a population level (Springmann and Freund, 2017; Seferidi et al, 2019). The question we will be focusing on in this study is whether a trade deal between the UK and the US could alleviate some of the detrimental dietary impacts Brexit could be associated with.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2020 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2020
Created: Freund, F. (4/8/2020)
Updated: Freund, F. (5/18/2020)
Visits: 1,523
- Health
- Non-Tariff barriers
- Preferential trading arrangements

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