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GTAP Resource #6112

"Tariff reduction schedules: a global database offering all EPAs in force [2014-2050]"
by Mimouni, Mondher, Dzmitry Kniahin, Antonia Ngavozafy and Xavier Pichot

The paper documents the first global database of tariff reduction schedules at the national tariff line level in all free trade agreements, economic partnership agreements (EPAs) and other preferential programs in force. The database is available in GTAP 10 format at the aggregated level compatible with the GTAP model. The database is a result of a six-year statistical collaboration between GRIPS and the International Trade Centre (ITC) – official provider of tariff protection data for the GTAP Data Base.

The database captures preferential tariff rates at the bilateral country level under each EPA as well as their dismantling category applied for the period of 2014 to 2050 in a clear “phase-down” year-by-year manner. The database constitutes a major advancement in transparency of forward-looking tariff protection, and is a result of immense legal, IT and statistical team work based on data processing and conversion of official legal texts and voluminous annexes of trade agreements. The forward-looking tariff-dismantling database is built upon Market Access Map (MacMap) database of global tariffs serving as a backbone.

The paper documents the methodology of construction of the database, the key assumptions and statistical insights. Seminal stylized facts on tariff protection landscape that will be in 2050, as encapsulated in existing EPAs, are presented. In 2050, we find that a few significant pockets of tariff protection still remain and are recommended by authors to be addressed on priority through a new generation of EPAs that should be negotiated in the upcoming years.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2020 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2020
Version: 6457
Created: Mimouni, M. (4/15/2020)
Updated: Kniahin, D. (6/18/2020)
Visits: 3,248
- Baseline development
- Preferential trading arrangements
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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