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GTAP Resource #6113

"Rules of origin in Japan EPAs"
by Kniahin, Dzmitry, Duy Dinh, Mondher Mimouni and Xavier Pichot

The paper overviews rules of origin applied in Japan EPAs in the context of preferential rules of origin globally. Potential paths to integrate rules of origin as a factor in preferential tariff estimation in GTAP models are provided.

The paper builds upon a new global database of rules of origin at the product-specific level constructed by the International Trade Centre (ITC) in collaboration with WCO and WTO in 2019. The new data available for Japan has been a result of a statistical collaboration between GRIPS and ITC. The data will be publicly available for researchers at the Rules of Origin Facilitator ( online tool.

The paper answers the following questions. How complex are rules of origin of Japan EPAs in comparison to rules of origin in trade agreements globally? Is there a pattern of harmonization of rules of origin in Japan EPAs? How restrictive are rules of origin at the product level? Do prohibitive rules of origin de-facto nivellate preferential margin benefits available through Japan EPAs? How does Japan EPAs system compare to U.S. and EU free trade agreements? What are the possible adjustments that can be made in tariff protection rates used in GTAP trade modeling?

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2020 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2020
Version: 1
Created: Kniahin, D. (4/15/2020)
Updated: Kniahin, D. (6/20/2020)
Visits: 1,740
- Non-Tariff barriers
- Preferential trading arrangements
- Trade in textiles and wearing apparel

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