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GTAP Resource #6213

"Developing renewable electricity with carbon tax recycling mechanisms in the East Asia region"
by Effendi, Yuventus and Budy Resosudarmo

This paper analyses the socio-economic and environmental impacts of recycling carbon tax to develop renewable electricity in the East Asia region. There are two recycling mechanisms through indirect tax reduction for renewable electricity sectors and subsidies for renewable electricity consumption by households. Using a multi-country computable general equilibrium for East Asian countries, this paper finds that in terms of the economic impact, providing indirect tax reduction is only economically beneficial for Indonesia. Further, subsidising renewable electricity prices for households would primarily benefit India economy only. Regarding environmental impact, this paper finds that providing indirect subsidies for renewable electricity is beneficial for all East Asian countries while subsidising renewable electricity prices for households would not benefit Australia, Indonesia, and the rest of ASEAN. This paper also finds that recycling mechanisms could alter the distribution pattern of household expenditures across countries in the East Asia region that leads to poverty incidences reduction in some countries. Providing subsidies to renewable electricity reduces poverty incidence in Indonesia and the rest of ASEAN. On the other hand, China, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam have poverty incidence reduction by subsidising renewable electricity prices.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2021 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2021
Version: 2
Created: Effendi, Y. (4/7/2021)
Updated: Effendi, Y. (6/20/2021)
Visits: 871
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Economic development
- Asia (East)

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