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GTAP Resource #6774

"Chapter 6: The GTAP Data Base for GAMS Users"
by van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique, Erwin Corong, Maksym Chepeliev and Angel Aguiar

This chapter describes the content of the GTAP Data Base, which is being provided in GDX format for GAMS-based GTAP models. The new content, initially using GEMPACK’s HAR formatted files, was developed for Version 7 of the GTAP model (Corong et al. 2017). It incorporates some key changes to the GTAP model, notably the introduction of a make matrix that allows for explicit differentiation between production activities and the supply of commodities among other changes mentioned in detail below. The new format has been tested with versions 9 (Aguiar, Narayanan, and McDougall 2016), 10 (Aguiar, Chepeliev, Corong, McDougall, et al. 2019) and 11 (Aguiar, Chepeliev, Corong, and Mensbrugghe 2022). And it has also been coupled with the standard GTAP Model in GAMS, Version 7 (van der Mensbrugghe 2018).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 11 Data Base Documentation
Status: Not published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2023
Created: McIntire, H. (12/15/2022)
Updated: McIntire, H. (9/25/2023)
Visits: 1,036
- GTAP Data Base and extensions

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