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GTAP Resource #7020

"Utilising domestic scrap steel: The impacts of increased secondary steel production in the UK"
by Calzadilla, Alvaro, Matthew Winning and Teresa Domenech

The steel industry in the United Kingdom has an uncertain future. It must remain competitive globally whilst simultaneously decarbonising in order to achieve domestic climate change targets. On top these issues, the recent energy crisis has exasperated conditions for an industry with small profit margins and in a country with comparatively high energy costs compared to many neighbours.
There are two large primary steel plants which produce roughly four fifths of steel output in the UK and contribute to over 90% of the industry’s emissions. The future of the blast furnaces on these sites is imperative to the industry as a whole. One potential option is to convert existing sites to recycled steel facilities given that the UK currently exports much of its available scrap. While this approach could help rejuvenate the industry while utilising domestic waste, it comes with a variety of potential limitations.
Here we use the ENGAGE-materials model to consider the macroeconomic implications of the UK transitioning to a steel industry based greater levels of secondary steel. We implement a range of scenarios which analyse the transition from primary to secondary steel production for the UK while keeping the steel industry competitive in the global market. We consider increased taxes on production, subsidies for recycling and taxes on exports of scrap to encourage greater domestic utilisation.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2023
Version: Working paper
Created: Calzadilla, A. (4/15/2023)
Updated: Calzadilla, A. (6/16/2023)
Visits: 413
- Model extension/development
- Resources and circular economy
- GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Domestic policy analysis

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