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GTAP Resource #7173

"GTAPSim: A User-Friendly Interface for the standard GTAP model in GAMS"
by Shutes, Lindsay, Robin Schuchmann, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Aikaterini Kavallari and George Philippidis

CGE models are powerful and complex tools for analysing global policy questions which require substantial training in economic theory, computer coding, and results interpretation. These requirements act as barriers to entry for users and reduce their potential value to policy makers. The refrain of these models as ‘black boxes’ rings out whilst, in fact, CGE models are fully deterministic and fully explainable.

GTAPSim is a user-friendly interface to the standard GTAP model in GAMS, powered by GAMS MIRO. GAMS MIRO offers a fully customizable way of building user interfaces for GAMS models. GTAPSim harnesses the full power of the comparative static model to run policy scenarios in an accessible way with a lower training requirement.

Users build scenarios by adjusting policy levers, specifying the model set-up, and closure choice. The scenario results are displayed as a dashboard of headline results which expands into detailed results. GTAPSim offers a sandbox environment in which users can quickly change the scenario specification and view the results, building up a database of scenarios. Multiple scenarios can be compared side-by-side via the dashboard.

GTAPSim provides a useful starting point for new modellers and an effective way of conducting policy analysis for more experienced users. GTAPSim allows policy makers to be ‘hands on’ with the model which improves transparency and builds trust by demystifying the ‘black box’. The sandbox environment allows users to experiment with different scenarios which provides rapid feedback on the impacts of different policy choices for policy makers, and options for sensitivity analysis and decomposition for modellers.

The quality of the results produced in the interface depends upon: the quality of the underlying data and model, the suitability of the the behavioural relationships and parameter values that govern the responses in the model, and the coverage of relevant policy instruments and results indicators.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Version: 1.1
Created: Shutes, L. (4/10/2024)
Updated: Shutes, L. (6/18/2024)
Visits: 487
- Climate change policy
- Software and modeling tools
- Global

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