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GTAP Resource #7202

"Blue economy with a CGE framework: an analysis of the possible role of seafood within sustainable diets"
by Bartelings, Heleen, Zuzana Smeets Kristkova and Marcos Esau Dominguez Viera

One of the greatest challenges is the coming decades is how to feed a fast growing world population in a sustainable way that does not threaten the carrying capacity of the Earth. According to the Eat-Lancet report on healthy diets seafood would be a particularly promising soured of proteins. This would include both wild capture fish as well as aquaculture fish and seaweeds.
However this would require an increased consumption and therefore production of fisheries and aquaculture products. Wild capture fisheries is limited by the availability of fish stocks which world wide have been under pressure due to overfishing; global warming and changing marine environments. Therefore it is unlikely that wild capture fisheries can grow to satisfy increased demand for proteins. It can be expected that aquaculture and seaweeds should grow to meet future demand. However it is a question whether these sectors can grow enough and whether policies could help these sectors develop further.
In this paper we applied the blue economy module in MAGNET to calculate the macro-economic impacts of including an EAT-Lancet diet worldwide. We will show the expected impact on the reduction of livestock, the change in feed sectors and the expected increase in demand for different food products including fish products and seaweed. We will also focus on the expected impacts on emissions and the affordability of food worldwide. Further more we will specifically look at the EU and analyse what kind of impact a switch to a more sustainable diet including seafood would do for the self-reliance and trade balance of the EU.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Version: 1
Created: Bartelings, H. (4/12/2024)
Updated: Bartelings, H. (6/14/2024)
Visits: 348
- GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Food prices and food security
- Health

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