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GTAP Resource #899

"Capturing the Implications of Services Trade Liberalization"
by Robinson, Sherman, Zhi Wang and Will Martin

This paper evaluates the impact of service sector trade liberalization on the world economy by a ten-region, eleven-sector CGE model with import embodied technology transfer from developed countries to developing countries. Simulation results show that service sector trade liberalization not only directly affects world service production and trade, but also have significant implications for other sectors in the economy. The major channel of the impact is through inter-industry input-output relations and TFP growth induced from service imported by developing countries from developed countries, which may embodied with new information and advanced technology.

Keywords: Service trade liberalization, Inter-industry IO links, Import embodied technology transfer, and CGE model

JEL classification: F1, C68, O3

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: Economic System Research
Date: 2002
Created: Wang, Z. (11/20/2001)
Updated: Dimaranan, B. (12/3/2001)
Visits: 3,376
- Trade in services

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